How to select the best limousine insurance quote

If you want to buy a limousine, you should get insurance for it. As insurance can pay for any damage which is caused by a pedestrian or another vehicle, it is very important that a limousine has it at all times. Like all types of insurance, the most cost-effective deal should be chosen for a limousine and here is some advice which can help you to do so.

Get as many quotes as possible


As with selecting other forms of insurance, you should get several quotes. Some insurance companies might specialise in selling protection for limousines. By obtaining a considerable number of quotes, you can choose one which suits your budget.


Check coverage


If your limousine company will be travelling hundreds of miles from one city to another, you should get an insurance quote which offers comprehensive coverage. When an insurance deal only provides coverage in the city which you live in, you won’t be able to claim if a limousine is damaged in another place. Some insurance companies might not provide coverage to a wider area and information about whether they do is often detailed in the small print of a contract.


Some factors can lower your quote


The factors which can help your quote to be lower should be stated to an insurance company. When insurance companies know that there is a minimal chance of damage occurring, you could be provided with a lower quote. If you have access to a garage or a driveway, the chance of any damage occurring decreases. Therefore, it is in your best interests that you declare all information which can reduce your quote.


Give a maximum mileage figure


Although it can be difficult to work out how many miles your limousine will travel on an annual basis, a more accurate figure could be worked out if your limousine picks up customers in the same city throughout the year. If your limousine currently takes customers to parties or functions in the same ten mile radius and will be doing the same for the next year, you could provide an average mileage figure to an insurance company. When an insurance company knows that a limousine won’t be travelling tens of thousands of miles every year, there is a smaller chance that it will break down and need to be repaired. Consequently, you could get a lower quote because an insurance company understands that it probably won’t have to pay a hefty repair bill.


Include medical insurance


If a limousine is involved in a road traffic accident and it is the fault of its driver, passengers might require a lot of medical care and could claim such costs against your company. In order to pay medical bills, your insurance quote should include medical insurance. Therefore, you will have enough coverage to pay for a large medical bill.


Confirm the limousine you have


There are many types of limousines which you can own. For example, you might have a traditional limo or a limo bus – you could even own both. As the size of each limousine varies from one to another, you should know what type they are before you get a quote because it will be accurate. If you accept an insurance quote but then tell your insurance company afterwards that it is false because you didn’t provide the right information, this is not a good situation. As a direct result, an insurance company might refuse to provide coverage for your limousine.


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