So, You’re Renting A Limo. How About Some Snacks?

Who doesn’t want a snack?

No matter what you have going on with your limo, someone on board is going to want a snack at some point. You can make your own, or have it created for you. There is a ton of tasty finger food out there.

The snacks can definitely depend on the occasion:

  • Is someone getting married?
  • Is this the yearly blowout for the girls?
  • Are the kids taking a limo to the big school dance?

Differing occasions and a variety of taste buds will relegate what you will want to pack for the ride.

For the new couple:

While snacking won’t likely be in order on the way to the ceremony, the bridal party will already have been eating and drinking while they were getting dressed. After the wedding and the reception will be when the new couple is likely to want a nibble. Yes, some newly married folks to get a chance to eat their dinner, but for many, the nerves are too high strung and they are also just too busy with their guests to eat much.

The newlywed basket:

A simple picnic basket with a cold pack can be home to all sorts of treats. Stick a nice bottle of bubbly and the caviar on the bottom, near the ice pack. Add some crackers, cheeses, and nuts. Put items in there that the couple can nibble on en route as well as something for when they are finally alone in their room. After such a long grueling day, they will be thrilled to have ready food available.

A long ride means supplies!

If the crew will be sitting in the limo going to and from for a good amount of time, then there should be something to eat available.

WMLimo - Bacon Wrapped Peppers

There are so many finger foods that are relatively not too messy.

  • Sushi is always good, just watch out for the dip sauce. Soy sauce can become a big stain.
  • Pigs in a blanket can be made ahead and will only result in a few crumbs.
  • Nuts, popcorn, chips, and such are good choices; except for those crunchy snacks that have loads of colorful dust, such as cheese curls.

A local favored restaurant can make an array of very tasty finger foods for the ride, according to the number of passengers. A ride that is taking people to a big dinner will only require drinks and very light snacks. The long ride that ends up at an even should include more substantial amounts of snacks that will last for the ride there and back.

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